Have you ever seen some one make an shape or letter ect with a sparkler and they capture it in a photo? Well I tried.... So I had abunch of my girls attempt it and this one turned out the best. We did accomplish a M, but Morgan's face is messed up in it. lol And then mine was a B, but I didnt think about it being backwards, so I just need to mirror it to actually look like a B.
This was the group of teens we took with us to Sr. Camp. I got a chance to get to know each of the kids personally. Most of the teens have similar backgrounds like I did growing up. It breaks my heart to see others have to deal with the same things. But I am thankful I can use it as a testimony and say look what God did for me and in my life.
This is Kristen, I had a chance to lead her to the Lord at Sr. Camp. Kristen's sister got called into full time service at Jr. Camp.Look at those blue eyes! This is Darla and Greg's little boy Zane. He is so fun to take pictures of, and very energetic! lol
I am so thankful for Bro. Dan being able to preach at Sr. Camp. The Lord used him in so many ways. It was a blessing to see all the decisions that were made that week!
This is Olivia, she is a little super star. Love the pouty lips!!!! :)
This has been a crazy busy summer and its still not over! HA Its been a great summer and I am thankful for my camera that I can capture all these great memories. We are getting ready to go to Youth Conference in OKC next week, then we have VBS the week after that, then school starts,then we have our ladies retreat and then we have our ladies trip to MO!!!!! :) I will try to keep posted of the upcoming events.
Hope yall are having just as much fun this summer as I am! :)