Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Thought Provoking Questions
If you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be?:
What is one thing in life you feel most guilty about?:
If you could've known someone as a child that you know now who would it be?:
Who is the single most charming person you have ever met?:
If you could eliminate one emotion from your life, which would it be?:
You suddenly find yourself at the Pearly Gates - make your case for entry::
If you could give one thing to each of your ex-lovers, what would it be?:
If you had to confess the most evil thing youve ever done what would it be?:
What is one personality trait you've tried hardest to change in yourself?:
What would you say is the silliest thing people do in general?:
What is the most difficult goodbye you're ever said?:
What is the grossest thing you ever put in your mouth?:
Who is the biggest hypocrite you have ever met?:
Decide a new punishment for convicted murderers, besides the death penalty::
What would you say is the most beautiful word in your own language?:
What was your worst case of putting your foot in your mouth?:
What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?:
If the U.S. had to sacrifice one state, which one would you give away?:
What is your most recurring dream?:
If you had the gift of magic for one day, what would you do?:
Out of all your friends, who do you think would be easiest to seduce:
If you were 6 inches tall for a day, what would you do?:
If God were to appear to you in any form, how would you want him to appear?:
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?:
Would you ever want to date yourself as a member of the opposite sex?:
Would you ever have your spouse followed to find out if they were cheating?:
Did you ever have an imaginary friend? How would you describe them?:
If God were to grant you one favor, what would you ask?:
If you could invent one new home appliance, what would it do?:
What is one occassion that you were unjustly angry?:
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