Tuesday, May 12, 2009

(YAWN....) 10 on Tuesday, what its TUESDAY! lol

So my week so far has been exhausting, it started this past weekend with packing every night til real late in the night. I have sooo much stuff, both our parents defintaley spoiled us and was really bad on us keeping memorabilias. I am thankful that I have some of them but we had way too many! lol I have the holiday Barbies from before I was born, Ty has his Star Wars stuff ect ect ect.

1. Going through stuff is so hard sometimes, not that I want to be a clutter bug but it just seems my apartment was getting smaller and smaller. Putting my stuff in storage for who knows how long is kindof harder than I thought. I try to think what do I really need and what if something happens to this or that. I know its all materialist things but I have memories with all those things, happy ones! I am truly blessed with the things God has given us.....

2. I use to be able to stay up all hours of the night and be fine, these last several nights have stayed up to 2 oclock in the morning (use to going to bed at 11 lol) and I am actually doing alright but my head is for sure aching, but loving the opportunity to drink starbucks :)

3. I cant believe its only Tuesday, this already seems like the longest week of my life. I dont know how you ladies do it out there with a kid! haha I know that just means I am not ready bla bla bla but just saying props to yall!

4. This is a week of saying goodbyes,lots of packing,seeing family and being overwhelmed with so many emotions. Lots of my friends are staying in the city and some are moving not too far but its just hard so hard! I know this just means I will meet new people, new friends but there are just so many buts..... lol I know I could of easily said this when I came to HBBC but look how God has blessed me in so many ways with amazing friends. I am just not good with new beginnings, unknown things, its defintaley something to work on!

5. Miranda you.....( I am going to try to type this without crying) well you kept me from killing Gracie Glowiki! haha You helped me through my Freshman, AND Sophmore year. lol We may have gotten in trouble together, but I wouldnt take back anything we did (all we did was stay up and talk) and all the great times at Casual Corner.... What about Sidney???? lol I told you he is adorable, and that you would learn how to work around the nose. hee hee Remember wiping out in front of the dorm or many other times???? Braums/Wal-mart trips, you coming to visit me, then it wasnt for me anymore haha Nasty Cafe food, loving singing next to you in church cause we will never get to sing together I guess lol I know that the Lord brought us all 4 so close for a reason and I truly believe that yalls friendship will be a blessing in the ministry to come!!!!!!!!

(sorry so blurry copied and paste)

6. Things I have learned at HBBC that I wouldnt take back for anything..... how to just keep my fat mouth shut sometimes(still a struggle), how to truly seek God's face on things, to make verses in the Bible my life and so many define my life, TO GROW UP (Freshman year saying) and to put ALL my faith and trust in HIM......

7. Thursday is graduation, I am so proud of Tyler! He has accomplished so much, to think that I prayed for God to call him in the ministry 7 years ago ( we were dating and I knew I was to go into the minstry and I didnt want to break up with him and didnt want him to base the decision on me, so I prayed and God answered!) and look at him graduating from HBBC with a pastoral degree.

8. Thursday night after graduation and we all eat with family we are going to IHOP for last goodbyes (I might have already wrote about this) I am so excited, its going to be a great late night of laughs,tears and goodbyes. There will be pics posted! :)

9. Friday is moving day.... I am thankful for all the people that are helping to move us back home.

10. This time next week I will be in TEXAS, the page finally turned to the next chapter. But this next chapter already has a TO BE CONTINUED........ You know that excited,sad and anxious feeling when your season finale of your show ends, ya well that is how my life feels right about now! I havent given up on God, I am quite proud of myself (not in a prideful bad way) that I have truly given this to God. I normally am a basket case of emotions, not saying I have been perfect but I went from fretting about who, what, when, where, why, (ask Miranda haha poor thing had to listen to me) to a couple of messages of given God control, he is the one that got you here didnt he is the one who started, he always finishes! That can preach!!!!!! :) lol I have an amazing life and I cant stop saying how much I am blessed, my friends are my family and my everything and I know that they are truly friends forever! BFFS!!!!!!!!! :)

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